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We will do everything that we can to help rein the shipping process. The third-party trucking companies that we use are fully insured and licensed for cargo on their trucks. We will estimate shipping schedules but we are not held accountable rein any way for delays that could occur.Listing Terms(1) Payment timeframe: Buyer must contact seller within 24 hours of listing end. Buyer must make payment arrangements within 3 business days of listing end. Full payment for Eintrag must Beryllium received by seller within 3 days of the Eintrag ending unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties. (Failure to comply with these terms will result hinein a dispute being opened on the buyer, a non-payer bidder form being submitted and the Eintrag being relisted).(2) Item condition: All items that are listed by qualityusedequipment are inspected to the best of ur knowledge and all problems known will be listed. All items are sold as is where is with no warranty or guarantee expressed or implied unless otherwise stated in the description. This means that unless there is some sort of return policy or warranty under the “Element Description” section of the listing there will be “NO” return policy, warranty or guarantee whatsoever, No exceptions. Remember, most of the items that you are buying are used so you can expect them to have üblich wear and tear on the components. If we find anything that is grossly worn or broken, we will Tücke it. Buyer agrees that when item is transferred from qualityusedequipment to buyers name it is buyer’s full responsibility. Please note: We can assist in providing more pictures, videos, inspections and information for buyer to feel more comfortable with the item. We will do the best we can and work with you. Remember, we want to keep a good customer and reputation! Buyer is more than welcome to inspect Element(s) before listing end or at any time if arrangements are made.(3) Sales Tax: 6% PA sales tax to PA residents and all items picked up rein PA. If you are an individual or company with a valid resale or farm exemption certificate you can fill out a PA sales tax exemption form and you are not liable for PA sales tax. All items shipped out of the state of PA will not be subject to any taxes.(4) Storage: We will store your Element at ur location for 30 days from the sale date if the Element is paid for. After 30 days we reserve the right to sell the Eintrag again and any payment made will not be refunded.(5) Locations: Qualityusedequipment sells equipment from several locations hinein the South-Central Pennsylvania area. The location should be listed in the location area of the listing. Please contact us to make an appointment if you would like to come out and look at a certain piece.(6) Partial refunds: We do not give partial refunds. If you are interested in returning the machine, please refer to the “Return policy” section of the listing.Contact UsEmail through eBay: Ask seller a question on the specific Element you’Bezeichnung für eine antwort im email-verkehr interested rein. ...etliche

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In der tat sollte das Interesse pro selbige Bagger und deren Funktionen schon etwas richtiger sein, denn je sie Modelle erforderlichkeit man schon etwas tiefer in die Täschchen greifen zumal einen 4-stelligen Eurobetrag ausgeben.

Die weltweit erste zumal einzige akku-betriebene Vibrationsplatte für jedes vollständig emissionsfreies Schinden.

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